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Herzlich Willkommen auf der Homepage des HerediVar-Projekts des Deutschen Konsortiums Familiärer Brust- und Eierstockkrebs!
Das Deutsche Konsortium Familiärer Brust- und Eierstockkrebs (DK-FBREK) ist ein deutschlandweiter Verbund von universitären Zentren, mit dem Ziel Ratsuchende bzw. Patientinnen mit einer familiären Belastung für Brustkrebs und Eierstockkrebs bundesweit optimal zu betreuen. Weitere Informationen zum Konsortium erhalten sie auf unserer Homepage unter DK-FBREK  .
Voraussetzung für die bestmögliche Berechnung des persönlichen Risikos für erblich bedingten Brust- und Eierstockkrebs als Voraussetzung für risikoadaptierte Präventionsmaßnahmen und gezielte Therapien im Krankheitsfall ist die eindeutige Klassifikation der im Rahmen der Gendiagnostik identifizierten genetischen Varianten. Eine große Herausforderung stellt dabei die große Zahl der mittels Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)-basierten Genpanel-Untersuchungen detektierten Keimbahnvarianten mit unklarer Signifikanz (VUS) dar. Dies sind genetische Veränderungen, deren Bedeutung für die Genfunktion und damit die mögliche Ursache der Erkrankung bisher nicht geklärt ist. Denn viele Genvarianten sind Normvarianten, sog. Polymorphismen, d.h. sie beeinflussen die Funktion des Gens nicht.
Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen hat das DK-FBREK seit mehr als 10 Jahren eine Arbeitsgruppe (VUS-Task-Force) etabliert, welche die Klassifizierung der von den Zentren des Konsortiums in die zentrale Datenbank gemeldeten Varianten überprüft und sich um die Klassifizierung von VUS bemüht. Des Weiteren wurden eigene genspezifische Richtlinien für die Variantenklassifizierung auf Grundlage der Richtlinien internationaler Expertengremien entwickelt (IARC, ENIGMA, ClinGen). Diese sind in den Publikationen auf pubmed  und im thieme verlag  zu finden.
Mitglieder des Expertengremiums arbeiten in den internationalen Arbeitsgruppen dieser Konsortien an der Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung der Bewertungsrichtlinien mit. ( ENIGMA  , ClinGen  ) Mittlerweile entsenden alle 23 Zentren des Konsortiums Mitglieder in die VUS-Task-Force, dennoch ist die Anzahl der gemeldeten Varianten und insbesondere VUS so hoch, dass eine händische Bearbeitung von Varianten nicht länger zielführend ist.
Daher hat das DK-FBREK eine Drittmittelförderung eingeworben. Ziel des für 3 Jahre durch die Deutsche Krebshilfe Deutsche Krebshilfe  im Rahmen des Prioritätenprogramms „Translationale Onkologie“ geförderten HerediVar Projektes (Fördernummer: 70114178) ist es, eine Datenbankplattform zu entwickeln, welche die kollaborative Klassifikation von genetischen Varianten unter Automatisierung vieler Annotations- und Arbeitsschritte ermöglicht und so zukünftig die Bearbeitung einer großen Zahl von Varianten und die Einspeisung der konsentierten Variantenbewertung des Konsortiums in die frei zugängliche ClinVar-Datenbank ermöglicht. Weitere Informationen zum HerediVar Projekt und den beteiligten Institutionen finden sie unter der Projektbeschreibung. Für Anfragen nutzen sie bitte das Kontaktformular.


Currently, there are 44036 variants in the HerediVar database of which 297 are classified. These are annotated using these databases:
Version date
rsid The rs-number of a variant from dbSNP (version summary: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_summary.cgi) 155 2021-06-16
phylop_100way PhyloP 100 vertebrates (100-way) conservation scores. These scores measure evolutionary conservation at individual alignment sites. Interpretations of the scores are compared to the evolution that is expected under neutral drift. Positive scores: Measure conservation, which is slower evolution than expected, at sites that are predicted to be conserved. Negative scores: Measure acceleration, which is faster evolution than expected, at sites that are predicted to be fast-evolving. - 2013-12-01
cadd_scaled The scaled CADD scores: PHRED-like (-10*log10(rank/total)) scaled C-score ranking a variant relative to all possible substitutions of the human genome (8.6x10^9). These scores range from 1 to 99. A cutoff for deleteriousness can be set to 10-15, but the choice remains arbitrary. v1.6 2020-04-11
revel The REVEL pathogenicity score of this variant. This score can range from 0 to 1, which reflects the number of trees in the random forest that classified the variant as pathogenic. Thus, higher values represent a more "certain" decision. When choosing a cutoff one should keep in mind that higher cutoffs will result in a higher specificity, but lower sensitivity. v1.3 2021-05-03
spliceai_details Details about the SpliceAI predictions: These include delta scores (DS) and delta positions (DP) for acceptor gain (AG), acceptor loss (AL), donor gain (DG), and donor loss (DL). Format: GENE|DS_AG|DS_AL|DS_DG|DS_DL|DP_AG|DP_AL|DP_DG|DP_DL v1.3.1 2021-09-07
spliceai_max_delta Max of delta scores for acceptor gain, acceptor loss, donor gain and donor loss. A value of 0.5 or more can be assumed to have an impact on splicing. v1.3.1 2021-09-07
gnomad_ac gnomAD alternate allele count for samples v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_af gnomAD frequency of alternate allele in samples v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_hom gnomAD number of homozygous individuals in samples v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_hemi gnomAD number of hemizygous individuals in samples v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_het gnomAD number of heterozygous individuals in samples v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_popmax gnomAD population with maximum allele frequency (AF) v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomadm_ac_hom Allele count restricted to variants with a heteroplasmy level >= 0.95 from the GnomAD mitochondrial genome data. These variants are (almost) homozygous among all mitochondria in an individual v3.1 2020-11-17
brca_exchange_clinical_significance Variant pathogenicity as displayed in the Summary view of the BRCA exchange database 54 2022-02-22
flossies_num_afr Number of individuals with this variant in the african american cohort. (n=2559) - 2022-03-25
flossies_num_eur Number of individuals with this variant in the european american cohort. (n=7325) - 2022-03-25
cancerhotspots_ac Number of samples showing the variant from cancerhotspots v2 2017-12-15
cancerhotspots_af Allele Frequency of the variant (AC / num samples cancerhotspots) v2 2017-12-15
tp53db_class Family classification: LFS = strict clinical definition of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, LFL = Li-Fraumeni like for the extended clinical definition of Li-Fraumeni, FH: family history of cancer which does not fulfil LFS or any of the LFL definitions, No FH: no family history of cancer, FH= Family history of cancer (not fulfilling the definition of LFS/LFL), No= no family history of cancer, ?= unknown r20 2019-07-01
tp53db_DNE_LOF_class Functional classification for loss of growth-suppression and dominant-negative activities based on Z-scores r20 2019-07-01
tp53db_DNE_class Dominant-negative effect on transactivation by wild-type p53. Yes: dominant-negative activity on WAF1 and RGC promoters, Moderate: dominant-negative activity on some but not all promoters, No: no dominant-negative activity on both WAF1 and RGC promoters, or none of the promoters in the large studies. r20 2019-07-01
tp53db_domain_function Function of the domain in which the mutated residue is located. r20 2019-07-01
tp53db_transactivation_class Functional classification based on the overall transcriptional activity r20 2019-07-01
task_force_protein_domain The description of the protein domain from a hand-crafted table by the VUS-Task-Force. - 2022-06-01
task_force_protein_domain_source The source of the task force protein domain. - 2022-06-01
hexplorer The HEXplorer delta score (HZEI mutant - HZEI wildtype). HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
hexplorer_mut The HEXplorer score for the mutant sequence. HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
hexplorer_wt The HEXplorer score for the reference sequence. HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
hexplorer_rev The HEXplorer delta score for the reverse complement of the original sequence (HZEI mutant rev - HZEI wildtype rev). HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
hexplorer_rev_mut The HEXplorer score for the reverse complement of the mutant sequence. HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
hexplorer_rev_wt The HEXplorer score for the reverse complement of the reference sequence. HZEI scores were normalized by the total number of nucleotide positions which contribute to the score. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond The HBond delta score (max HBond mutant - max HBond wildtype). This score shows the change in binding affinity of the U1 snRNA to the splice site motiv, i. e. its ability to form hbonds with the sequence motiv. Negative values show that the mutant sequence is less probable to bind the U1 snRNA (This is a "worse" binding site). Positive values mean that the mutant sequence is more likely to bind the U1 snRNA. If there are multiple possible splice sites only the max values are considered. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond_mut The max HBond score for the mutant sequence. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond_wt This is the max HBond score for the reference sequence. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond_rev The max HBond delta score for the reverse complement of the original sequence (HZEI mutant rev - HZEI wildtype rev). This score shows the change in binding affinity of the U1 snRNA to the splice site motiv, i. e. its ability to form hbonds with the sequence motiv. Negative values show that the mutant sequence is less probable to bind the U1 snRNA (This is a "worse" binding site). Positive values mean that the mutant sequence is more likely to bind the U1 snRNA. If there are multiple possible splice sites only the max values are considered. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond_rev_mut This is the max HBond score for the reverse complement of the mutant sequence. 1.0 2022-06-30
max_hbond_rev_wt This is the max HBond score for the reverse complement of the reference sequence. 1.0 2022-06-30
gnomad_popmax_AF The allele frequency of the "popmax" population v3.1.2 2021-10-22
maxentscan The transcript specific MaxEntScan scores calculated from ngs-bits. Each value is of the form: ref|alt v1.0.0 2023-09-27
maxentscan_swa The transcript specific MaxEntScan SWA scores calculated from ngs-bits. A special application of the MaxEntScan algorithm to discover de-novo spliceing variants. Each value is of the form maxentscan_ref_donor|maxentscan_alt_donor|maxentscan_donor_comp|maxentscan_ref_acceptor|maxentscan_alt_acceptor|maxentscan_acceptor_comp v1.0.0 2023-09-27
gnomad_popmax_AC The allele count from the popmax population from GnomAD v3.1.2 2021-10-22
bayesdel Missense variant functional predictions by BayesDel tool (Feng 2017) used without allele frequency. Score bigger or equal to 0.16: damaging; Score smaller than 0.16: tolerated. Scores were imported from dbNSFP. 4.4 2023-05-06
cosmic The COSV ID from COSMIC - 2023-06-06
coldspot Whether the variant is in a coldspot region or not - 2024-01-12
cancerhotspots The oncotree symbol, cancertype, tissue and number of occurances form the cancerhotspots database v2 2017-12-15
gnomad_ac_nc The gnomAD allele count of the non-cancer subset v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_af_nc The gnomAD allele frequency of the non-cancer subset v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_hom_nc The number of homozygotes in the gnomAD non-cancer subset v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_hemi_nc The number of hemizygotes in the gnomAD non-cancer subset v3.1.2 2021-10-22
gnomad_het_nc The number of heterozygotes in the gnomAD non-cancer subset v3.1.2 2021-10-22
faf95_popmax Filtering allele frequency (using Poisson 95% CI) for the population with the maximum allele frequency v3.1.2 2021-10-22
pfam_domains The Pfam protein domain accession ids of all transcripts. Multiple values are separated with , - symbols. This data is generated by VEP. 110 2023-07-18
clinvar The Variation ID from ClinVar - 2024-07-16
hci_prior The prior probability of pathogenicity as reported in the priors HCI website. These range from 0.97 for variants with high probability to damage a donor or acceptor to 0.02 for exonic variants that do not impact a splice junction and are unlikely to create a de novo donor. 1 2024-08-23
heredicare_vid The VID from HerediCare.The version_date is inaccurate. They are always up to date when reimporting from heredicare. - 2024-08-23
heredicare The HerediCaRe annotation. Including LR scores and n_pat and n_fam - 2024-08-23


v 1.14.4 (03.11.2024)
General changes:
  • Added shortcut to insert unknown variants from variant display page
v 1.14.3 (15.10.2024)
General changes:
  • Consensus classified variants can now be downloaded publically
v 1.14.2 (15.10.2024)
General changes:
  • Added class "R" to SVI adaptation scheme
  • Improved security for API
  • Fixed bug where mails were not sent to new created users
  • All final classifications are now shown properly in no_scheme classification scheme
v 1.14.1 (30.08.2024)
General changes:
  • Improved stability of HerediCaRe uploads
  • HerediCaRe and ClinVar upload stati are now loaded in the background on variant display pages
  • Improved and fixed some issues with HerediCaRe and ClinVar upload status display and update
v 1.14 (23.08.2024)
General changes:
  • Added ACMG schemes for MMR genes (pms2, mlh1, msh2, msh6)
  • Improved VCF downloads. Variant list VCFs must now be generated seperately prior to downloading. This allows for larger file downloads.
  • Added upload state search
  • Fixed some minor issues with HerediCaRe up- and downloads
  • Downgraded CrossMap to v0.7.0 because v0.7.3 yields wrong results for specific variants
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip of status pills would persist if the pill was updated
  • Fixed a bug where the user was able to search for deprecated variant ids using the browse variant table
previous changelog